April 22, 2024

Maya Angelou once wrote that courage is the most essential virtue because you can't consistently practice any other virtue without it. Courage is like the cornerstone of a building, strategically placed and chosen by the builder. It's the most important stone in the building because it sets the foundation. Similarly, courage sets the foundation for your life.

We need the courage to seek the truth daily, even when it hurts. We need the courage to change, even when staying the same is easier. We need the courage to express our convictions, even when challenged. We need the courage to overcome obstacles, even when there's no other way. We need the courage to learn and grow, even when it exposes our weaknesses. We need the courage to take the high road, even when mistreated. We need the courage to lead, even when it makes us vulnerable.

Courage is like a door that can only be opened from the inside. Sometimes, courage isn't loud or flashy. Sometimes, it's quiet and graceful. Courage isn't the absence of fear but rather the ability to resist and master it.

Everyone has to confront fear to achieve success. We can choose courage over fear. Fear can't take away our dreams, motivation, or strength unless we let it. When we tolerate fear, it contaminates our lives. To overcome fears, focus on what we stand to gain rather than what we might lose. Courage is a choice; optimism is the foundation of courage.

Intentionally Own It: Courage gives us energy and confidence. When we do courageous things, we feel good about ourselves. Courage is also contagious. When we show courage, it encourages others to live courageously!


April 29, 2024


April 15, 2024