April 15, 2024

We are energized by positive words and weakened by negative ones.

We can increase our joy by choosing the right words to speak. At the same time, we can also upset ourselves by unnecessarily talking about our problems or things that have hurt us. The words we speak enter not only our ears but also those of others, and then they penetrate our soul, bringing us joy or sadness, peace or upset, depending on the words we use.

Our lives can be transformed once we realize the power of words and understand that we can choose what we think and speak. Our words are not thrust upon us but originate in our thoughts before we give them a voice.

If we repeatedly say something, either silently in our hearts or verbally, we will eventually come to believe it, regardless of whether or not it’s true. Everything we want in life is attained through belief.

I suggest taking a few moments at the end of each day to reflect on the words we used that day. While we all face life’s challenges, how we talk about them can make them better or worse.

Intentionally Own It: Try to make a conscious decision each day before leaving the house to only speak about things that will benefit yourself and those around you. Remember, speaking negatively can only hurt you, while speaking positively can never do you wrong. So why not choose positivity and see what results you can achieve?


April 22, 2024


April 8, 2024