Be the type of person who always adds value to the lives around you! Every day, we are given opportunities to make a difference in the lives of those around us. When we open our eyes and hearts, we naturally encounter people we can bless and positively impact. Even a small, practical act of kindness can change the tone of someone’s day, week, or even life.

I encourage you to adopt the One-A-Day lifestyle starting today. Every day, intentionally bless one person thoughtfully and humbly.

• Use your words to build and encourage.

• Use your hands to help.

• Use your mind to challenge with compassion.

• Use your attitude to infuse hope and love.

• Use your faith to inspire confidence and courage.

• Use your smile to spread genuine goodness, warmth, and joy.

• Use your initiative to be a catalyst for positive change.

• Let your life radiate positive vibes!